Save Education, Save the Future

In 2005, the Govt submitted an ‘offer’ to WTO to open market access to Higher Education. If at the 10th Ministerial Meeting in Nairobi, 15 - 18 Dec 2015, the ‘offer’ is made into a ‘commitment’, private education providers, domestic and foreign, would not only make profits through fees but could demand government funding so that subsidies for public institutions would dry up. WTO/GATS rules would override the sovereignty of the country to decide its own educational policies and the rights of the people enshrined in the Constitution.

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Policies are being reoriented to withdraw public investment from education, hand education over to private and commercial lobbies, make it inaccessible to the majority of people of this country and dictate the form and content of education in a manner that contradicts the idea of education itself.

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Say No to Commodification of Education

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Keep Education out of WTO/GATS

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Keep Education out of WTO/GATS

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Keep Education out of WTO/GATS

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Keep Education out of WTO/GATS

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Keep Education out of WTO/GATS

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Keep Education out of WTO/GATS

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We appeal to students, teachers, concerned citizens, to organisations and individuals to join us at a Mass Rally at Parliament to demand that the Government roll-back current policies of commercialising education and commit to keeping education out of the ambit of WTO/GATS and other potential trade in services negotiations.

The National Platform in Defence of Education demands:

1. Immediate withdrawal of Education from WTO-GATS, TISA and other bilateral or multilateral international trade agreements.
2. Increase in budgetary allocation on education upto 6% of GDP to cater to growing demand and need of education at all levels and the expansion of public infrastructure for education.
3. Free education for all citizens up to secondary level and affordable tertiary education for all sections of society in recognition of the public Right to Education.
4. Promotion of Scientific Enquiry and Democratic Values in Education through which respect for cultural diversity and plurality of opinion is fostered.
5. A new National Policy on Education (NPE) – reflecting the federal character of the Union and States' prerogative to decide their priorities and emphases within the framework of Constitutional values – in consultation with States, collective bodies of students, teachers and non-teaching employees.

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